"When you have a headache, you don't just sit there in suffering - you take painkillers. It might take a while for them to kick in, but you don't care because eventually they do, and you feel a million times better. What takes most people forever to understand is that the headache here can be our mental health, and the painkillers can be our habits." - Jed
JERMs was founded in 2022 by two high school mates, Jed and Matt. After struggling with boredom through our first two years at uni we joined some existing uni clubs, but found them either too specific to a particular niche or simply too lacking in events to really meet people. This sucked for us - literally so many people at uni would make great potential mates, but there was really no way of meeting anyone in a meaningful manner outside of what (few) classes we attended.
Our second problem was feeling less happy than we should have to be at uni. We aren't part of those who live on or close to campus, and for people like us the whole 'Uni is the best years of your life' stigma really just didn't hit right. A typical day would be: commute to class, sit through an hour or two of listening and come straight back home, maybe going out for a party every so often. Despite the occasional bit of fun, uni felt just like one, long, miserable grind till the finish line.
So, with our mental health at risk of falling to s###, we decided what we needed was a complement to the uni lifestyle of studying and partying. We decided to take charge of our happiness and fulfilment by starting to practice some of these whimsical 'wellbeing' activities some weirdos went on about. We forced ourselves to meditate, to journal our thoughts and ideas and to read books, and eventually felt a million times better for it. Now, we want to pass that message onto others.... and thus, the Journaling Exercise Reading Meditation society was born.
At JERMs, we're setting out to create a community of like-minded individuals who need the extra little push to do stuff that's gonna make them feel better. We don't want to give up the stuff that makes us feel unique or give us enjoyment, but to add to it. We want to spread the message that you can take charge of your own happiness and fulfilment in your university experience... and hell, why not even the rest of your life? Join us as we become affiliated and eventually the greatest club at the University of Queensland... and maybe even the world.
Founders, Jed and Matt